Sunday, March 29, 2020

Corona Daily 497: Small Numbers Big Numbers

Without context, some numbers appear to be very big.

As of 29 March 2020, nearly 32,000 people have died from Corona, making the monthly average around 16,000.

True this virus is a wanton globe traveler, capable of infecting an American beggar as well as a British prince. The deaths it causes are unnecessary and traumatic. Its prowess scares because none of us wants ourselves or our families to fall victims. Also the big unknown is the scale of the eventual collateral economic destruction and deaths. Having said that, the panic that the daily updates of figures creates is unwarranted. In this year of postponed Olympics, some people watch the Worldometer link as if it were the medals tally table.

The current world population is 7.8 billion, including 5.8 billion above 15 years.

In 2019, more than 5 MILLION PEOPLE died EVERY MONTH. That figure included:
* 1.7 million dying from cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks, strokes),
* 900,000 from cancer
* 600,000 from respiratory diseases and infections (flu, pneumonia)
* 117,000 from road accidents.

Remember these are monthly figures. (The worldwide lockdown in fact has saved hundreds of thousands from dying on the road. No plane crashes either).

As per the deadliest estimates, Corona virus is capable of killing a 100 million people. (50% adult population infected worldwide, with 3.4% deaths).

With the current mortality rate of 16,000 a month, the global lockdown is a major victory so far. Even if the monthly rate climbs to 100,000 deaths, as it may, it will take the virus 84 years to kill a 100 million people. Viruses don’t last that long.

Lockdown, social distancing, slowing the monthly deaths, and flattening the curve as they call it, will allow the world to produce enough ventilators and a competent vaccine. In that sense, the current numbers are encouraging rather than the other way round.


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