Thursday, April 16, 2020

Corona Daily 479: Why UBI

Guaranteeing a specified monthly income to everyone is justified on several grounds. I will mention only five.

The nature of work has been changing since the industrial revolution. Wherever possible, a man will be replaced by a machine or an app. Coronavirus will give an exponential boost to that process. China has started by opening its highly automated factories before others that require human intervention. Others are rushing to ‘employ’ robots on a large scale. Since the pandemic has hit the developed world hard, robotisation and AI will be a key to reopen business. By the time the pandemic ends, a few million of the current unemployed will become unemployable.  The poorest of the world usually lack the education to readapt to new work that evolves. Their ever-increasing number can survive only with an unconditional basic income.

UBI protects women and girls in two ways. The poorest girls and women put in 12.5 billion hours every day of care work without being paid. This phenomenon has been allowed to continue for ever. Secondly, many women are subjected to domestic abuse. That currently is the largest crime in lockdown times, even in developed nations. Most women tolerate the abuse for want of income or financial security.

Paying unconditional income expands the middle class, and is good for the economy. The incomes of the rich grow at a much faster rate than those of the poor. (Saez and Piketty show that between 1979 and 2014, in the income pie the bottom half went down from 20% to 13%. Share of the top 1% went from 11% to 20 %.)  

UBI is administratively an efficient system. Most developed countries have several welfare measures, subsidies, student grants. The cost of administering each of them is significant. Income tax allows several deductions and exemptions. The minimum salary where tax slabs begin is nothing but a form of basic income for a working person. This multitude of benefits can be merged into UBI to create an efficient welfare system.

Finally, it saves the soul of the society. Arts and literature, classical music and dance, other performing arts which satisfy the soul, decline in a consumerist society. This was one of the few advantages of communism.

Basic income allows poets to write cheerful poems.



  1. It is possible only in non corrupt government where everybody would pay fair income tax at source. Education of all is equally important. I wish they could start system something similar to NHS providing healthcare and subsistence for most.

  2. Giving subsidies or grants only to lower income group and not based on caste system
